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Bronx, New York
Urban Forum’s Mission Statement Urban Forum was designed and developed on the premise of giving signed and unsigned artist the platform to expose their talents and gifts to the masses. What separates Urban Forum from other online radio talk shows is that we record our show live in front of a studio audience giving the artist twice the exposure. Urban Forum provides an expressive platform to discuss solvable issues and concerns that affect our lives, our community and our people. We believe by conversing on these important topics, we are strengthening and uplifting others while strengthening and uplifting ourselves. Urban Forum, Our People, Our Lives, Our Community

Saturday, October 27, 2012

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Part II of Silky Urban Forum Talk Radio Show

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Silky Talking about son video

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Urban Forum Talk Radio Show hosts Silky & Paul Wayne

Talking about my son on Urban Forum audio version

Urban Forum Talk Show discussing Domestic Violence

Lady Sparkle's Interview on Urban Forum

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Tami G Interview Part 2

Tami G Interview Part 1

lady sparkles interview Part 4

lady sparkles interview Part 1

lady sparkles interview Part 2

lady sparkles interview Part 3

Author Angel Huertas Interview on Urban Forum

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Richard Jeanty Part II Urban Forum Talk Show

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Richard Jeanty Interview on The Urban Forum Show

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Urban Forum March 31st Show

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Urban Forum March 24th Show

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Urban Forum March 17, 2012 Show

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Monday, April 30, 2012

Still I live

My strength lies within the deepest hallways of my soul..the part that few witness but many know of...where pain, hurt & heartache use to dwell...the part that was neglected and rejected out fear...the part that bare witness to the true existence of life but failed to acknowledge it because the world prosper hatred & bigotry..confused even further by seeking a pathway where barriers hindered my ability to hurdle over them Yet, still with the inner ability to strive towards greatness the Most High saw fit to instill me His Grace & His Mercy..Still I live!!! :) Silky

Divine Order of Life

Divine Order of Life I believe the natural order of life has been comprised, which I believe is beyond repair. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it. Proud of His creation, God took it another step and created Man. He gave man dominion over all the earth. God Himself taught Man what he needed to know to exist on Earth. But in all His wisdom saw that His beautiful, intelligent creation, (Man) was missing something. Something that will make him complete. God questioned Himself, thinking He provided Man with all that he needed, yet He studied him and saw that Man was lonely and without emotions. So once again, God in all his wisdom thought what would really complete Man and his spiritual ties with his Creator. Now we know God could have created anything to complete Man, but he chose to create a Woman for Man. God, gently placed Man to sleep, removed his rib bone, formed Woman from a piece of her Man’s inner body part. This alone is powerful. So now, to the reason I’m writing this. For years the natural order of life has been comprised, just as the ozone layer decreases, so has the unification of the Man and Woman. Exactly when it started, no one can say for sure, the reason for this is because events in history has distracted our main purpose and God’s purpose for His people, beginning with the Man and his Woman. I believe most, if not all, will agree we have been hindsight in the fantasy of illusions placed before us. Henceforth, gay marriages, discrimination, racisms, and any other isms or skims you want to throw in there. Now getting back to the purpose of this, “What has happen to MAN & HIS WOMAN? How has it gotten to the point where we have forgotten our commitment, loyalty, and respect for one another? Why is it, monogamous relationships are a thing of the past?” I know this next paragraph will blow some people minds, but without truth, there is no honesty. I am a true believer in being honest and certainly truthful to my understanding. I believe a Man should be able to have more than one wife and the reason I feel this way is that by the natural order of life, there are more Man on this planet than Woman. [1] God granted Man the ability to accept another Woman (wife) into his family, under conditions, 1. That he (Man) loved that Woman equally 2. Could provide for her equally and 3. She must be of the same Faith as he (Man). Yeap, I can see the head poppin’ and the “she must be crazy,” but as insane as this may be, it actually worked. In Genesis 4:19, Lamech married two Women, his first wife name was Adah and she chose Zillah the second. Then, the first wife was the lead woman. Her responsibility, besides raising children, was to educate. The reasons for accepting another Woman into the household is to continue to procreating while maintaining the spiritual connection with the Creator. Do I believe divine love exist? Yes, I do, because true committed relationships then never strayed from there divine purpose. Solomon, the beloved King sung of love, beauty and the vivaciousness of the Black Woman from Ethiopia. He twisted lyrics after lyrics of the expression of sex and the ecstasy he felt even from the PURE thought of making love to a Woman. He adored Women, he admired her beauty, he absorbed her intelligence and appreciated her every breath. Solomon brought light to the beauty of being in love and the spiritual connection between a Man and Woman when making love. Ask yourself, “When you made love to a person you were IN LOVE WITH, the physical and spiritual connection made during the act of intercourse was beyond belief.” Mind you, I’m not talking about SEX, or the hit it, bang it or thrusting it, sex. Thing aren’t normal, I feel it and I’m sure if you are tune into your spiritual counterpart, you feel it as well. It is not natural for a Man to be without a Woman. We have comprised our true values and shifted with the “norm.” Sacrificing, what our Created preciously place in order for us, we have now, destroyed His purpose, as well as our own. My heart, is burden with how our decisions to continue masking this truth with adultery and promiscuity. We have taken for granted through history to stone our hearts much like Pharaoh, refusing to let God’s people free. Only we, keep our self in bondage to believe in the socialism that love does not exist, for if that is the case, God does not exist, because God is Love and made Man because He loved him and for MAN TO LOVE HIS WOMAN. Finally, my brothers and sisters, it is up to us to re-establish our purpose. Its our individual and collective responsibility to place divine order of life back into it’s proper place. I’m not particularly talking of multiple relationships, please DO NOT TAKE THIS TEXT OUT OF CONTENT. What I am proposing, is to destroy the falsehood that love does not exist. I’m asking that we tear down the image of negative relationships. I asked that we cease giving the misrepresentation that in spite of our differences, we are one in spirit. My final request is that we learn to love ourselves, become familiar with our inner spirit God has placed in each of us and that we allow that spirit to lead us to righteousness and true LOVE. Diane L. Manning [1] U.N. estimates there are up to 200 million fewer women in the world than there should be, based on demographic data which show that for every 103 boys born there are 100 girls.

I Am Today's Black Woman Video
