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Bronx, New York
Urban Forum’s Mission Statement Urban Forum was designed and developed on the premise of giving signed and unsigned artist the platform to expose their talents and gifts to the masses. What separates Urban Forum from other online radio talk shows is that we record our show live in front of a studio audience giving the artist twice the exposure. Urban Forum provides an expressive platform to discuss solvable issues and concerns that affect our lives, our community and our people. We believe by conversing on these important topics, we are strengthening and uplifting others while strengthening and uplifting ourselves. Urban Forum, Our People, Our Lives, Our Community

Thursday, July 2, 2009

and you wonder why

women are so emotional disturbed..When women fall in love, its with every fiber of our being. We love first with our hearts, then our emotions, then through the spirit of sexual intercourse (sex). It is these three things that open our inner selves to allow the love to flow freely. It doesn't matter, who that man is, what he has done, what he has or has not....WE LOVE HIM... I know personally, after making love to the person I love, I could actually feel the connection of our lovemaking, long after the physical part is completed. This love is eternal, spiritual, forever....

Now, on the flip side of this, I believe some men lack this awareness, which is why they can be with so many different women. Its puzzling for one man to be loved by so many different women, yet there relationship never seems to last. IS IT HER OR IS IT HIM...I ask myself...now here's the answer to that question.... For a woman to be hurt by a man, it takes time. Yes, we see the signals, ignore them at first..then we began to discuss them in small details...waiting for the reaction. See, its the first reaction that we learn...them say, "your too confrontational" now you know a cheat dont want to be confronted. Second, they say, "me dont want to be in a relationship" yet, they have no problem calling when they want sex...

It takes time for a woman to process her feelings, because of the love she has for that individual. I have to ask myself what's different for me? For several years, I've placed other men, (good men) on the back burner, hoping this individual would one day realize how I feel about him. Then, I realize, he already know, but choose to continue his search...ok cool..cause sometimes a person have to experience that the grass is not always greener on the other side. And at the end of there journey, It is I who who've been there...to support you, to talk too, to love you, But I am I any different than the others? Cause a real women will feel the same way...RIGHT!

Then, along with this, I look at what part I played in allowing this to happen...and of course, I played a part...but see there goes that thing call love, because love will allow you to put up with shit, you know aint right. Love will allow you to look pass people flaws and see the goodness in them. Love will convince you, if you wait, hold on, be strong that the love will be reciprocated. Love tells you instead of late night booty calls, it be calls of him saying, "baby, I'm on my way, home, let's go out to dinner" Its love that tells you, he'll love you for who you are, not who he wants you be...I really honor couples who can genuinely say they are IN LOVE,,,that's something to cherish, and protect...some how I believe it is only for the chosen few..



OH, P.S...Love, I'm letting go..cause if this is love, then I'll never be ready for love

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