About Me

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Bronx, New York
Urban Forum’s Mission Statement Urban Forum was designed and developed on the premise of giving signed and unsigned artist the platform to expose their talents and gifts to the masses. What separates Urban Forum from other online radio talk shows is that we record our show live in front of a studio audience giving the artist twice the exposure. Urban Forum provides an expressive platform to discuss solvable issues and concerns that affect our lives, our community and our people. We believe by conversing on these important topics, we are strengthening and uplifting others while strengthening and uplifting ourselves. Urban Forum, Our People, Our Lives, Our Community

Friday, June 26, 2009


It is PEACE, FAITH, LOVE & HOPE, that is the substance and foundation of life..It is my prayer that we develop these characteristics as individuals to gain and sustain unity as a people, it doesn't matter the color of your skin, your sexual preference, your religion, or where your from and most importantly how much $$ you have..what does matter is that we put away our selfish strife..and strive for better amongst ALL

Thursday, June 25, 2009



By African Queen

Well here's another chapter of my life's book closing, as a new one began...and as I look back on my dreams, hopes and aspirations, some having been fulfilled while others sit on a dusty shelve waiting to be re-discovered.

Finally, I am beginning to feel a glimpse of satisfaction within myself; A sense of realness within my soul, a growth of maturity that only conquering fear can achieve.

I'm molding and shaping myself into in a world that seemed so strange long before, always feeling out of place, not even sure if I belong. For the first time in my life, I feel a positive surge of energy vaulting into my spirit. A flow of karma I can relate to that eases the pain within my soul.

Yes, fear still taunts me, in the deepest hallway of my mind. However, this time, I won't allow it rule me, control me or dictate my journey which has been ordained. For through the living spirit I have conquered those things that has stumbled my dreams.

My life has guided me in many directions. Some regrets. Time wasted on meaningless adventures, seeking adrenaline, pursuing the high. Chasing relationships, believing I was missing my whole, not even realizing that He was already in my soul. Frugal attempts to quicken the process...while perpetrating a person that does not exist, to appease a society.....I must fit in, I remember being told

Meeting individuals...some good..some bad....some lost A distinct lesson learned from each...while others who has crossed my path have breed hatred, revenge and contempt...while afflicting others with their mental sorrows. Most, still entrapped with the mentality of slavery of long ago, oppressed, and enslaved to ignorance,which keeps them from seeing His will for their lives

Falling in love, oh, how beautiful I thought it would be, until faced with the reality the fear of commitment from others, not willing to commit, compromise, or show their deepest emotions. Have you been hurt that bad that u cannot see the love within my heart for thy? Or, can you not risk the feelings of experiencing true love?

I ask myself, do we know true love,

As our Father in Heaven loves us.

Too much, time to invest? Unsure of what to expect? Judging of one's style, looks, and race.

To thin, to fat, to light, to dark. Not the right height, not the right physique, when I only want someone to recognize that I am beautiful as ME. Wow, what a valuable lesson I learned on that trip. What a selfish world we live in, the "I" society.

While on that trip, I was able to build a few genuine friendships, especially during the stratosphere of my heartache, and pain. Never again would I trust my heart to another, I often vowed. I never want to experience such pain, anguish, or emotional unbalance again.

Always remain in control I was told.

I know the journey I'm getting ready to embark on will be faced with numerous challenges. Nevertheless, it's something about this trip that's dramatically different from the others. Maybe I'm finally ready, no more demands, drama or expectations. For the reality of life has led me out of the darkness of my shell. And as each page is written in my book, My true me, My true destiny, My true purpose shall be revealed.

For today, I am more receptive to the Power that leads my every step, yes today I'm ready to face the real me, I proclaim the inner me, the strength the lies within me, the beauty that showers me, the knowledge that has been granted to me, the wisdom that has been bestowed me, the courage to deliver the seed that has been impregnaned in me......LIFE
Was I Meant to be Alone

By African Queen

Was I meant to be alone?

In a world that's ice cold.

Where is my protector?

The one who promised me affection.

Was I meant to be alone?

In a world that's ice cold.

A woman as strong as I

Need the strength of her mate.

Was I meant to be alone?

In a world that's ice cold.

Do I not deserve love?

For which my soul desire and long for.

Was I meant to be alone?

In a world that's ice cold.

Are my emotions so deep that you can't see

That our purpose of our destiny is we.

Was I meant to be alone?

In a world that's ice cold.

My heart tells me that you're searching for me.

So until that time I will continue to prepare for thy

No, I was not meant to be alone

In a world that's ice cold
Lost Without You
Category: Writing and Poetry

Lost without you

Memories I found reminiscing,
In the moonlight silvery glow,
Bygone dreams I remember,
On the paths where lovers go.

Dreams never need to be lost,
I could share mine with you,
Step 'neath the stars tonight,
As the moon comes into view.

As I remember dreams shared,
Whilst harmonizing the tune,
I play our love song again, "Lost without you"
'Neath the light of a silver moon.

Dreams within lovers embrace,
In moonlight upon the shore,
I capture what matters most,
In continuous love forevermore

To My Special Friend!

African Queen
When you look into my eyes
I wonder what you see.
Do you see the love I have for you
that I hold deep within inside of me?

When you hear my voice,
as I gently whisper in your ear,
do you know it's my heart that speaks,
and not just words that you hear?

When I softly say, "I LOVE YOU"

Love So Deep

Love so deep you will never understand

To bad things didn't go as they were planned

I lay at night and think of my life

Wishing I had the chance to make you my husband

You came in and took control

Not only did I fall in love with you, I fell in love with your soul

Loving me daily without any questions

I told you before, boy you're truly a blessin'

You understood all of my ways

You brought joy to all of my days

When I think of what a Black Man should be

Please believe me....you're the first face my mind can see

Unbelievable, the love that you gave

Joined as one riding our love like a wave

Even if you were paralyzed from your feet to your head

I'd carry you every day from the car to your bed

Knew it was special right from the start

Love so deep I'd write my vows to your heart........Black Man!
My Life

I love life and all that it has to offer. The good, bad and the indifference. I have found that life is a continuous learning cycle of one's self and others. To me, living life represents being unconditional, which means accepting things in life while learning from the experiences. I have learned to accept and respect people for who they are and explore their good qualities, opposed to judging their frailties. I have come to realize I first have to take a look at myself and make internal adjustments before making external ones. I am a strong, sensitive, compassionate black woman. I am ambitious, educated and spontaneous. I consider myself to be a well-rounded individual who has learned to appreciate life while keeping things in perspective. I'm spiritually grounded. I also believe in the power that the relationship between the black man and black woman manifest, which is love, strength, power, unity,and knowledge. Everything else will fall into place when we are spiritually and mentally in tune with each other, especially when we can respect each others opinions
Was I meant to be alone

In a world that's ice cold.

Where is my protector?

The one who promised me affection.

Was I meant to be alone?

In a world that's ice cold.

A woman as strong as I

Need the strength of her mate.

Was I meant to be alone?

In a world that's ice cold.

Do I not deserve love?

For which my soul desire and long for.

Was I meant to be alone?

In a world that's ice cold.

Are my emotions so deep that you can't see

That our purpose of our destiny is we.

Was I meant to be alone?

In a world that's ice cold.

My heart tells me that you're searching for me.

So until that time I will continue to prepare for thy

No, I was not meant to be alone

In a world that's ice cold

by African Queen

Black Queen, that I Am

Black Queen

I was born with not a silver spoon,

Black Queen but a golden spear in my hand.

Black Queen I was taught to be strong,

and not to fear the white man.

Stolen from my homeland

where streets were paved with gold,

and bought to this country

where I was stripped of my soul.

Brought here on a slave ship

shackled and bound in chains.

Robbed of my heritage, and gave my masters name.

I have survived the long and restless

journey of the slave ship.

I have endured the painful lashes of the masters whip.

I had babies in the cotton fields,

and was back in the big house in time,

to cook my master's meals.

I prayed, while master had his way

with me in the slave quarters.

I cried as I watched him sell my sons and daughters.

"You wonder who I am, that I can endure, such things?"



Volume I/PART I


By African Queen

Well here's another chapter of my life's book closing, as a new one began...and as I look back on my dreams, hopes and aspirations, some having been fulfilled while others sit on a dusty shelve waiting to be re-discovered. Finally, I am beginning to feel a glimpse of satisfaction within; A sense of realness within my soul, a growth of maturity that only conquering fear can achieve.

I'm molding and shaping myself into in a world that seemed so strange long before, always feeling out of place, not even sure if I belong. For the first time in my life, I feel a positive surge of energy surging into my spirit. A flow of karma I can relate to, that eases the pain within my soul. Yes, fear still taunts me, in the deepest hallway of my mind. However, this time, I won't allow it rule me, control me or dictate my journey, which has been ordained from the beginning of time.

For through the living spirit I have conquered those things that has stumbled my dreams.

My life has guided me in many directions. No regrets. Time wasted on meaningless adventures, seeking adrenaline, pursuing the high. Chasing relationships, believing I was missing my whole, not even recognizing that He was already in my soul. Frugal attempts to quicken the process.

While perpetrating a person that does not exist.

I must fit in.

I remember being told.

Meeting individuals...some good...a precious lesson learned from each...while others who have crossed my path have spread hatred, vengeance and contempt... afflicting others with their sorrows. Most still entrapped with the mentality of slavery from long ago.

Stagnant, oppressed, and enslaved to ignorance.

It keeps them from seeing His great will for their lives.


Falling in love, oh, how beautiful I thought it would be, until faced with the reality fear of commitment from others. Not willing to commit, compromise, or show their deepest emotions. Have you been hurt that bad that you cannot see the love within my heart for thy? Or, can you not risk the feelings of experiencing true love? I ask myself, do we know true love, As our Father in Heaven loves us.

Too much time to invest? Unsure of what to expect? Judging of one's style, looks, and race.

To thin, to fat, to light, to dark. Not the right height, not the right physique, when I only want someone to recognize that I am beautiful as ME. Wow, what a valuable lesson I learned on that trip. What a selfish world we live in. The "I" society. While on that trip, I was able to build a few genuine friendships, especially during the stratosphere of my heartache and pain. Never again could I trust my heart to another, I often vowed. I never want to experience such pain, anguish, or emotional unbalance again.

Always remain in control I was told.

I know, the journey I am ready to embark on will be faced with numerous challenges. Nevertheless, it is something about this trip that's dramatically different from the rest. Maybe I'm finally ready, no more demands, no more drama or expectations on others. For the reality of life has leaded me out of the darkness of my shell. And as each page is written in my book, My true me, My true destiny, My true purpose shall be revealed.

For today, I am more receptive to the Power that leads my every step